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Hamoud Aljamaan, PhD
Assistant Professor
Information and Computer Science Department
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM)
Work Experience
Jan 2019 - Aug 2023

King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Saudi Arabia.
Information and Computer Science department
Establishment of the Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning undergraduate concentration
Establishment of the Master of Artificial Intelligence program
Establishment of the Cybersecurity undergraduate concentration
Establishment of the Master of Cybersecurity program
Establishment of the annual ”4IR Data Science Summer School” for Aramco employees since 2019
Establishment of the joint Aramco-KFUPM Cybersecurity Chair agreement
Establishment of the department female undergraduate and graduate programs
Major Revision for the Computer Science undergraduate program
Major Revision for the Software Engineering undergraduate program
Awarded the ABET re-accreditation for Computer Science undergraduate program
Awarded the ABET re-accreditation for Software Engineering undergraduate program
Awarded the National Cybersecurity Authority education alignment certificate for the department Cybersecurity masters programs
Recruiting world class new faculty members (8 Graduate Assistants, 8 Assistant Professors, 4 Associate Professors, and 2 Professors)
Assistant Professor
Jan 2016 - now

King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Saudi Arabia.
Information and Computer Science department
ICS 103 Computer Programming in C
SWE 205 Introduction to Software Engineering
SWE 311 Principles of Software Engineering
SWE 316 Software Design and Architecture
SWE 417 Software Engineering Project I
ICS 500 Research Methods and Experiment Design in Computing
ICS 557 Advanced Machine Learning
Summer Consultant
Summer 2018

Saudi Aramco, Saudi Arabia.
EXPEC Computer Center / Exploration Applications Services Dept / Applications Technology Division
Software for Exploration
Summer 2017

Saudi Aramco, Saudi Arabia.
Loss Prevention Department / Risk Assessment Group
SAP Environment, Health, Safety Management (EHSM) module upgrade for the Safety Recommendations System
Summer 2016

Saudi Aramco, Saudi Arabia.
EXPEC Computer Center/ Upstream Database Services Division
Predicting Electrical submersible pumps (ESP) failure using machine learning techniques
Teaching Assistant
Sept 2012 - Dec 2014

University of Ottawa, Canada.
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
ITI1120 Introduction to Computing I - Fall 2012 / Fall 2013
ITI1121 Introduction to Computing II - Winter 2013 / Summer 2014
SEG2105 Software introduction - Fall 2014
SEG2106 Software Construction - Winter 2013 / Summer 2014
Full-Time Researcher
Jan 2010 - Dec 2015

University of Ottawa, Canada.
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Member of the CRuiSE research group under the supervision of Prof. Timothy Lethbridge. Conducted research on textual modeling languages and contributed to the development on the Umple language adopting these key practises:
Model-Driven Development (MDD)
Test-Driven Development (TDD)
Agile Development
Open source using svn/git
July 2009 - Dec 2015

King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Saudi Arabia.
Information and Computer Science department
ICS 102 Introduction to Computing I
Graduate Assistant
Nov 2006 - June 2009

King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Saudi Arabia.
Information and Computer Science department
ICS 102 Introduction to Computing I
ICS 103 Computer Programming in CICS 103 Computer Programming in C
Summer Internt
June 2006 - August 2006

Saudi Aramco, Saudi Arabia.
Integrated Solution Service Department (ISSD)
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